Friday, October 26, 2012

unit 4 activity 4

This photo is an example of a slow shutter speed when the photographer took the picture. The photographer is capturing the light of the cars passing by the side of the road. The depth of field is great because everything is in focus and nothing is blurred out in this photo.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

unit 4 activity 2

The photographer of this photo had to use a very fast shutter speed to capture the girl in the photo flipping. The depth of field in this photo became greater because the background and the subject are both in focus.It gives you the feeling of movement because the girl is in motion doing a flip.

unit 4 activity 1

This photo is capturing the decisive moment because he toke the photo at the perfect time when he was coming down the stairs. The man on the bicycle was in  the right place at the right time for the photographer to take the photo and he captured the movement in the photo.

Friday, October 5, 2012


The first photo the light source is from a lamp or a light source in a studio. The light is focused on her face so its hard light because its surrounded by the shadow. The second photo is a light source from the sun so its considered soft light. The light is coming from the sun through the trees.